
Linda tried a drink of water. It was bad enough sucking the water through a 'penis' but just as she did, she heard the loudest orgasm ever from her computer clips.Clitty kept throbbing. She tried to get her hands to the front from one side, just to stroke her clit, and failed dismally. She lay down on her back and tried to get her fingers to her pussy from behind... and failed again. She figured she could get her cuffed hands in front by pulling her legs to her chest and slipping them over - but she had forgot the high heels that just managed to prevent that from being possible.She was so horny - so desperate to cum, and all her attempts to try to get relief just made the benwa and crotch chain tease her more. She was in heaven and hell at the same time.Clitty throbbed more and more... begging for relief. Linda wanted this... but hated this also... all she wanted now was to cum. The computer continued to add to the frustration by constantly playing images and sounds of other. . Well they like to party and they let us party with them? Us?...Yes my younger brother and sister. Ok... Now back to what I was saying. You see there was a guy I had a crush on him for like forever. His name was... Well let's call him Greg. He and five of his best buds were still tearing it up with me. We were dancing and they were making out with me. Normally I'd be like wait a minute! but I'm sure you know Dr Trish, how a girl can get when she drinis?Of course Mary I went to college. Please go on.Greg following me into the bathroom after I announced "I have to pee" he cornered me and we continued making out away from the others. My heart was pounding I was finally kissing my girl crush. You can't imagine how many hours I sat in study hall looking at him and dreaming. His strong hands all over my body I wanted him soooo badly. I had been masturbating to the thought of him every night for for the longest time. Our tongs dancing my pulse was surging. He watched as I broke free from.
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